Alice Kim (she/her) is Director of Practice at the Center for the Study for Race, Politics & Culture at the University of Chicago. She leads CSRPC’s Beyond Prisons initiative, a teaching and learning project that interrogates, disrupts, and works toward moving beyond carceral logics and systems. The project engages students, faculty, and community in work addressing the social injustices caused by mass incarceration alongside opportunities to support education inside prisons. Kim also teaches at a maximum-security prison and facilitates the Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project’s Justice Think Tank at Stateville Prison. Kim is a co-founder of Chicago Torture Justice Memorials (CTJM) the group that initiated historic reparations legislation passed by the Chicago City Council in May 2015 for survivors tortured by Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge’s torture ring. She was a leader in the movement to end capital punishment in Illinois and nationwide; worked closely with the Death Row 10, a group of Black men who were tortured by Jon Burge’s forces and sentenced to death; and was instrumental in advocating for the successful blanket commutations of Illinois’s 167 death sentences in 2003. Kim is co-editor of The Long Term: Resisting Life Sentences, Working Toward Freedom (Haymarket Books, 2018).