Asad Rehman is the Executive Director of the radical anti-poverty and workers rights organisation War on Want.
Asad is a leading climate justice activist whose work has helped to reframe the climate crisis as a crisis of neoliberal capitalism, inequality, and racism. Asad has led climate justice groups inside the UNFCCC process, and was co-founder of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice, is currently coordinator of the Global Green New Deal Project working towards a Just, Equitable and Ecological Transition that connects the fight for economic, social and climate justice.
Over the last 40 years, he has worked with many social movements both globally and nationally including the labour movement, anti-racist movement, the alter-globalisation movement, and the anti-war movement.
He has previously served on the Boards of Amnesty International UK, Friends of the Earth International and is currently on the Boards of a Thousand Currents and Rainforest Action Network.