Dr. Nadine Naber is a Professor in the Gender and Women’s Studies Program and the Global Asian Studies Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago, founder of Liberate Your Research Workshops, and co-founder of Mamas Activating Movements for Abolition and Solidarity (MAMAS). She is author/co-editor of five books, such as Arab America: Gender, Cultural Politics, and Activism (NYU Press, 2012) and The Color of Violence (South End Press, 2006). Her forthcoming books are: “Pedagogies of the Radical Mother” (Haymarket University Press) and Social Movement Led Research Methodologies (Etch Collective Press). She serves on the board of the Journal of Palestine studies and organizations such as the Arab American Action Network, Al-Shabakah, the National Council for Arab Americans, the Feminist Peace Initiative, and INCITE! Palestine Force. She writes for news outlets such as the Chicago Reporter and Truthout.