Renee Hatcher is a human rights and solidarity economy lawyer. She is an Assistant Professor of Law and the Director of the Community Enterprise and Solidarity Economy Law Clinic at UIC Law, a legal clinic that provides free legal support to grassroot organizations, community-based businesses, cooperatives, and other solidarity economy enterprises. Daughter of the late civil rights activist and first elected Black mayor of a U.S. city, Richard Gordon Hatcher, Renee is committed to advancing the Black Freedom Movement through her work with coops and communities. She is a board member for the Detroit Justice Center, co-facilitator for the Black Abolitionist Solidarity Economy (BASE) Fellowship, and a member of the Law for Black Lives Movement Lawyering Squad. Renee serves as the Co-director of the Solidarity Economy Research, Policy, and Law Project at the UIC Center for Urban Economic Development. Her research focuses on the solidarity economy movement and the law.