Stacey Sutton is an Associate Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago in the Department of Urban Planning and Policy. Stacey Co-Directs the Solidarity Economy Research, Policy & Law Project at UIC’s Center for Urban Economic Development (CUED) and the Chicago Community Wealth Building Ecosystem (CCWBE) hub which promotes the local, democratic, and shared ownership and control of community assets by investing in Chicago’s worker cooperative, housing cooperative, community land trust, and community investment vehicle ecosystem. Stacey’s research and community engagement focus on economic democracy, solidarity economies, prefigurative politics, racial justice, and disparate effects of place-based city policies. Her research can be found in top urban journals, media platforms, podcasts and city reports. Stacey’s current book project titled, Real Black Utopias, explores infrastructures, ideologies, and practices of Black-centered solidarity economy ecosystems in 15 cities across the US. Stacey serves on the Boards of Directors of the New Economy Coalition, the Democracy at Work Institute, and the Woods Fund Chicago. She also serves as an advisor to various solidarity economy projects in Chicago. Stacey received a joint PhD in Urban Planning & Policy and Sociology from Rutgers University, an MBA in Economics and Organizational Behavior from New York University, and a BA from Loyola College in Baltimore.