SEPTEMBER 20-22, 2024
Join us in debates, conversations, and collaborations that pave the way to a more just and liberatory world.

Through the Portal conference livestream registration is now open!
SJI is grateful for the enthusiastic response to our upcoming conference, Through the Portal: Growing the World We Want. Due to overwhelming interest, we have reached full capacity and cannot admit any additional members of the waitlist to attend the event in person. We do, however, have an option to livestream our conference virtual sessions for free, in English or Spanish. Check out the livestream schedule, which opens with a conversation with Viet Thanh Nguyen on Thursday, September 19, and runs through the weekend, closing on Sunday, September 22 with Democracy Now! co-hosts Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez, and more. If…
Registration for the Through the Portal conference is now full – sign up to join our waiting list.
Thanks to strong interest in SJI’s Through the Portal conference, registration has reached capacity and is now closed. If you’d like to join our waitlist to register for the conference, please sign up here. If space opens up due to cancellations, we will contact those on our list with more information on how to sign up to attend Through The Portal in Chicago, September 20-22, 2024.
Engage with scholars, organizers, and artists from various countries as we tackle issues like abolition, economic democracy, climate justice, feminism, racial justice, and authoritarian threats.
Nothing Advances Without Art
Censored Curricula and Carceral Campuses: What is a Democratic Response?
Race, Class, State Violence, and the Future and Promise of Abolition: A Decade After the 2014 Ferguson Uprising
Implications of Gaza For the World
Imagining Alternative Economies & Cultures, Building Better, Sustainable, and Accessible Futures
What time is it on the clock of the world?
Fascism, Climate Change, and Shifts in Racial Capitalism
Feminists On The Frontlines: What Does a Feminist Politic of Transformative Change Look Like?
Solidarity, DeColonization, Migration, and Land
Challenges and Imperatives of Building Mass Movements And Coalitions
Inside/Outside: Governing Power, Municipalism and Radical Democracy
Speaking Out In Dangerous Times — Making Enduring Commitments
Holding onto our Souls: Forging a Spirit of Resistance in a Love-Driven Revolution… “Only Love Can Save Us”
The Ground on Which We Stand: An Aerial View of the Urgency of Now through the reflections of Truth-Telling Journalists
Hear from an international lineup of scholars, organizers, and artists whose works have been pivotal in shaping contemporary social movements.
Check back regularly as the list is updated!

Why Chicago?
Chicago has a rich history of freedom struggles and freedom-making work. It has been the site of social and political movements that have shaped the city, the nation, and beyond.
From the tumultuous labor strikes of the late 19th century, such as the pivotal Haymarket Affair in 1886 that won the eight hour work day, to the profound contributions of the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Panther Party in the mid-20th century, Chicago has been at the forefront of advocating for workers’ rights, racial justice, and social equity.